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Chinese Chess Professional

[カテゴリ: Palmware(ジャンル別) > ゲーム > シューティング]
[カテゴリ: Palmware(作者別) > Infinite Dreams Sp. z o.o.]
[カテゴリ: Palmware(50音順) > S]

Chinese Chess Professional





Infinite Dreams Sp. z o.o. さん


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Palm OS 3.0 以降

 中国のチェス。 ZingMagic絶賛の中国のチェスのアプリケーションでは、西洋のチェスにも匹敵する刺激的で興味深いゲームです。



  Supports all Palm OS devices from OS version 3.0 onwards
  Supports black and white and colour devices
  Play against the computer or another human player on the same device.
  Multiple levels of computer play, ranging from beginner to expert.
  High quality artificial intelligence engine from acknowledged Chinese Chess experts.
  Multiple player and multiple game support.
  Multiple layouts and piece sets.
  Chinese and Western piece sets.
  Full undo and redo of moves.
  Show last move.
  Show legal moves.
  Show threatened pieces.
  Ability to display piece names to help beginners.
  Large opening book.
  Set-up game.
  Supports English, French and German (via separate versions)
  Also available as part of the Backgammon, Chess and Chinese Chess mega-value triple pack.
  Chinese Chess is just one of our large collection of best of breed classic board, card and puzzle games available for a wide range of platforms.
  Complies with all Palm Powered Solution? Test criteria.

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