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Kid Paint for Palm OS

[カテゴリ: Palmware(ジャンル別) > グラフィック > お絵描き]
[カテゴリ: Palmware(作者別) > Beiks LLC]
[カテゴリ: Palmware(50音順) > K]

Kid Paint for Palm OS





Beiks LLC さん


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Palm OS 3.5 以降

 Kid Paintは、単純なスケッチ、および適用に色をつける絵です。
 子供のために広告されましたが、私たちは、大人に同様に優れたレクリエーションの効果があるためにKid Paintを発見しました。

  ・Appropriate for any color Palm OS device running Palm OS 3.5 and higher
  ・Supports high-resolution Sony Clie handhelds
  ・Comes with 100 selected cartoon images for standard and high resolution
  ・Educational and fun for kids, recreational for adults
  ・Automatically remembers editions for the last five edited images
  ・Extremely fast coloring operation even on high resolution devices
  ・Protects the other handheld applications and data from the kid


  ・FreeWalk for Palm OS
  ・KidZone for Palm OS

Palm III, Palm VII, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIc, Palm IIIxe, Handspring Visor, Handspring Visor Deluxe, Sanyo PL2700, Symbol SPT 1740, Kyocera QCP 6035, Palm VIIx, Palm m500, Palm m505, HandEra 330, Sony CLIE S320, Sony CLIE N760C, Sony CLIE T415, Samsung SPH-i300, IBM Workpad c500, Palm m515, Palm m130, Palm Zire, Palm Tungsten T, Samsung SPH-i330, Palm Tungsten C, Palm Zire 71, Palm Tungsten W, Palm Tungsten T2, Symbol SPT 1550, Symbol SPT 1800, GSL Xplore G18, Samsung SPH-i500, Palm Tungsten T3, Palm Tungsten E, Palm Zire 21, Sony CLIE UX50 Series, Garmin iQue 3600, Acer s10, Palm Treo 600, Palm V, Sony CLIE T Series, Sony CLIE SL Series, Sony CLIE SJ Series, Sony CLIE NX Series, Sony CLIE N Series, Palm Vx, Sony CLIE TJ25, Tapwave Zodiac, Tapwave Zodiac 2, Handspring Treo 300, Palm Zire 72, Palm Zire 31, Garmin iQue 3200, GSL Xplore G88 , Handspring Treo 180, Handspring Treo 90, Sony CLIE TH55, Palm Tungsten T5, Palm Treo 650, Sony CLIE VZ90, Qool QDA-700, Palm Tungsten E2, Palm LifeDrive, Palm TX, Palm Z22, Palm Treo 700p, Palm Treo 680, AT&T Palm Treo 680, AT&T Palm Treo 650, Palm



