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Poker Guide

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Poker Guide





Mobifusion Inc. さん


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Palm OS 3.5 以降

Town Compass がお送りする、あなたが知りたいと思うポーカーについてのデーターベースです。これで、他の人に聞くことを恐れずにすみます。


 ・Poker History, including History of Poker and Poker Hall of Fame (each listing in the Hall of Fame includes a photo)

 ・Poker Games, including 2-Card Manila, 5-Card Draw, 5-Card Stud, 7-Card Stud, Omaha Hi-Low Poker, Omaha Poker, and Texas Hold'em

 ・Poker Ladder & Glossary, including Poker Ladder, Poker Glossary, and Poker Tells

 ・World Series of Poker, including WSOP Rules, WSOP Winners: Men, and WSOP Winners: Women

Symbol SPT 1740, Palm m505, Palm Zire, Symbol SPT 1800, Sony CLIE SL Series, Sony CLIE NX Series, Palm Zire 31, Palm Tungsten T5, Sony CLIE VZ90, Palm Tungsten E2, Palm TX, Verizon Palm Treo 700p, Sprint Palm Centro, Palm Zire 71, Palm Tungsten T3, Palm Zire 21, Garmin iQue 3600, Acer s10, Sony CLIE T Series, Palm Vx, Handspring Treo 300, Alltel Palm Treo 650, Verizon Palm Treo 755p, Palm, Palm IIIe, HandEra 330, IBM Workpad c500, Palm Tungsten T, Palm Tungsten W, Symbol SPT 1550, Palm Treo 600, Garmin iQue 3200, Palm Treo 650, Alltel Palm Treo 755p, Palm VII, Palm IIIc, Palm IIIxe, Sony CLIE S320, Palm m515, Palm m130, Samsung SPH-i500, Sony CLIE UX50 Series, Tapwave Zodiac 2, GSL Xplore G88 , Handspring Treo 180, AT&T Palm Treo 650, Verizon Palm Centro, Kyocera QCP 6035, Palm m500, Samsung SPH-i300, Sony CLIE SJ Series, Palm Zire 72, Palm Z22, Palm III, Handspring Visor, Sony CLIE N760C, Sony CLIE T415, Samsung SPH-i330, Sanyo PL2700, Palm VIIx, Palm Tungsten C, Palm Tungsten E, Palm V, Sony CLIE TJ25, Palm Treo 700p, Palm Treo 755p, Palm Centro, AT&T Palm Centro, Handspring Visor Deluxe, Palm Tungsten T2, GSL Xplore G18, Sony CLIE N Series, Qool QDA-700, Palm Treo 680, Tapwave Zodiac, Handspring Treo 90, Sony CLIE TH55, Palm LifeDrive, AT&T Palm Treo 680, Sprint Palm Treo 755p


